Dotmod DotAIO V2 Lite Pod Mod

Among the great variety of POD-systems and submods on the vape-market, the devices from Dotmod are in a special position, which are considered almost exemplary and serve as a reference point for other manufacturers. Since the presentation of the first DotAIO a lot of time has passed, and the device is still in the leaders. It is quite logical that the company decided to continue this successful series, so the Mini version and the second release saw the light of day. But this was not enough for the developers of the company, and they decided to change (the key word – a little) the second version, so the light saw Dotmod DotAIO V2 Lite Pod Mod. We can’t say that the changes are cardinal, but they are there, and they are noticeable even with the naked eye.

General Info

Dotmod DotAIO V2 Lite Pod Mod is a medium sized pod mod powered by a single 18650 battery, designed to use interchangeable V2 Lite vaporizers and serviced base. The design of the new device is almost identical to the previous version, but it is made of lightweight plastic, which made the device a little lighter. One of the features of the device is that the display is hidden semi-transparent plastic, which lost a little clarity, but the screen is protected from shocks. The device works under the control of proprietary chipset, which allows you to get the power up to 75 watts and good functionality. Kit cartridge is designed to install V2 series vaporizers on the grid, which can please a good taste. You can buy the Dotmod DotAIO V2 Lite Pod Mod in six colors – white, black, red, purple, green and orange.


Devices from the company Dotmod have always been famous for a good package, which for many users is not less important than the functionality or performance, and the new sub-mod is no exception – a vaper will find in the box everything you need:

– The dotAIO V2 Lite battery pack;

– 2.0 ml e-juice tank (PCTG);

– Base for controlling the draw;

– Silicone bumper;

– Two drip-types;

– Six O-rings;

– USB Type-C cable;

– Dotmod Coil Mesh 316L 0.30ohm Vaporizer;

–  Dotmod Coil Mesh 316L 0.70 ohm vaporizer.  

dotAIO V2 Lite Battery Pack

Among the large number of vape manufacturers dotMod have always been in a special position, since each of their device became, is becoming and probably will become a hit of sales. After the total transition of most Australian vape shop to the production of POD-systems and sub-mods dotMod also began to produce their own versions of their devices, which not only became popular, but also served as an example for the creation of similar devices by other manufacturers. One of the most legendary devices is considered a dotAIO, which has already been in the Mini version, and improved to the second series. It was with the dotAIO V2 version that the developers of the company decided to experiment a little and made a number of not the most fundamental changes, so the dotmod DotAIO V2 Lite Pod Mod saw the light – the device is interesting and quite practical.

The design of Dotmod DotAIO V2 Lite Pod Mod is absolutely the same as the second version – it’s a neat rectangular device with rounded corners. Due to the same dimensions the updated version is fully compatible with interchangeable panels designed for DotAIO V2. The main feature and difference between the Lite version and the previously released V2 is that it uses lightweight plastic, so the Dotmod DotAIO V2 Lite Pod Mod weighs 81 grams, which is 7 grams less than the regular V2. The difference, of course, is not the most fundamental, but it is still there.

The maximum power of 75 watts is provided by a traditional 18650 battery installed under the magnetically held panel with the “Fire” button. If the need arises, the battery can be charged using the USB Type-C connector located on the bottom end of the device, with a current of 2A.

Dotmod DotAIO V2 Lite Pod Mod works under the control of a proprietary chipset, thanks to which you can get not only the power up to 75 watts, but also a good functionality, as a vaper can use several modes – auto, VW, TK, bypass. The “Fire” button is located in the hole on the side panel, and the “+/-” buttons are hidden under the panel.

Another radical change in the Dotmod DotAIO V2 Lite Pod Mod compared to the V2 version is that the display is hidden behind the translucent plastic, which makes the image on it a little blurry, but still quite readable. If you want, the vaper can change the color scheme for better visibility.

DotAIO V2 Lite Pod Cartridge

Especially for the Dotmod DotAIO V2 Lite Pod Mod a new cartridge was designed, which is very similar to the one used in previous versions, so it is easy to replace it with serviceable version, such as dotshell rba. The cartridge is located under the removable panel. The cartridge is designed for installation of Coil Mesh 316L vaporizers with 0,3 and 0,7 ohm resistance. To adjust the airflow in the cartridge a special adapter is used, in which the vaporizer is installed. To refill the cartridge, you need to remove the side panel, open the silicone cap on its side and pour 2.7 ml of liquid.

Conclusions and impressions

To be honest, it is not quite clear to update Dotmod DotAIO V2 Lite Pod Mod relative to the standard second version, because the weight has not changed much, and to control the main parameters of the device became worse. But at the same time vaper will get the same productive, functional and stylish device, having used it you will hardly want to go back to the Chinese analogues.

Advantages and disadvantages


– Compact size;

– Stylish design;

– Ability to customize;

– Compatible with other dotAIO series devices;

– 18650 interchangeable battery;

– Fast charging;

– 510’s drip tip;

– High performance chipset;

– Good functionality;

– Minimum supported resistance 0.1 ohm;

– Adjustable airflow;

–  Mesh vaporizers.


– You have to remove the side panels to refill, adjust the airflow and change the power;

 – The display is not always well visible.

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