Review of Sigelei Humvee 215

Review of Sigelei Humvee 215

The modern vaping market lately not always pleases vapers with very original solutions and innovative products. In most cases, manufacturers pay attention to the segment of POD or AIO systems, forgetting that the number of vapers are not going to give up tanks, drips, mechmods and box mods. If we refer to the banal statistics of sales in vape shops, the relevance of classic devices will not cause doubt. But modern vaping has long been nothing to surprise, although manufacturers try to release something new from time to time. The company Sigelei has not presented its box mods for a long time, and not so long ago the light saw a new device Humvee 215, which, of course, is unlikely to eclipse the glory of Fuchai 213, but the interest will certainly cause. It should be said at once that this device is not equipped with something very unconventional, and more attention is attracted by its slightly futuristic and non-standard design.

General information

Sigelei Humvee 215 box mod of medium size, working from two traditional batteries, equipped with a simple and productive IFV board and made in a modern original design. e-cigarettes online boutique in australia The developers paid special attention to the design and its main elements, thanks to which the device looks unusual and original, which is sure to please many vapers. The presence of productive and easy to control chipset allows vapers to get a device that is implemented that in most cases, users need. Buy Sigelei Humvee 215 can be purchased in four designs in black and gray, black and red, camouflage blue and khaki camouflage.

Complete set

If the vaper expects from the new box-mod from Sigelei something new regarding the package, he is deeply mistaken, because the devices of this type are rarely something complete original and special. Therefore, in a simple and banal box can be found:

Sigelei Humvee 215 box mod;

USB cable for charging and firmware updates;

User’s Manual and other warning paperwork.

Appearance and design

It is difficult to find a vaper who did not know the legendary box mod Sigelei Fuchai 213, considered for a long time one of the best-selling and most popular. This device is still successfully used by many, and showing itself on the positive side. The company Sigelei more than once released devices that could become such a hit of sales. Sigelei Humvee 215 is another attempt to conquer the market again, as it is made in a rather original and somewhat non-standard form factor.

If you look at this device, many vapers may think that it is an Aegis, as it is a similar form factor used in it. You can not say that this is bad, because the ergonomics of the device at the highest level, and this can not but be happy in the hand it will sit just fine. It is worth to say that the dimensions of the box mod are not the smallest, so it is safe to install atomizers up to 28 mm in diameter.

The developers paid special attention to the materials and design of the device. Zinc and aluminum alloys are used for production, as well as resin, which has already become popular, so the device looks original and beautiful.

The device is powered by two traditional batteries 18650, which are installed from the bottom with a hinged lid with a slide-latch. If necessary, they can be charged using the USB Type-C connector, which is located on the side of the device, 2.5A current will reduce the charging time as much as possible.

Board, Functionality and Usage Features

The developers of the company Sigelei in the Humvee 215 box mod decided to use a new proprietary chipset IFV, which is not yet particularly known to many vapers. But if you look at its specifications, it becomes clear that the board is quite interesting. The functionality of the device is quite standard, so the vaper can use it in several basic modes varivatte, thermocontrol, TCR and TFR, which is enough for most vapers. Chipset picks up resistance from 0,05 ohm, and this is very good, as the maximum power of the device 215 watts.

Sigelei Humvee 215 is equipped with a small monochrome display, which you can find a minimal set of information coil resistance, battery level, power, time and number of puffs. It is controlled with the two traditional small buttons at the display.

Conclusions and impressions

So far it is very hard to say whether the Sigelei Humvee 215 will be a hit of sales (unlikely, really), but the fact that the company is constantly working to ensure that vapers do not forget it, is encouraging. The device is very easy to operate and use, and the use of the original design and non-standard design will please many vapers.

Advantages and disadvantages


Very small and poorly informative display;

Rather large overall dimensions.


The original design;

Large footprint for atomizers;

Fast charging current;

High performance board;

Easy control.

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