Review of THC Tauren Solo RDA

Review of THC Tauren Solo RDA

Lately, vapers have to constantly look for the best option of devices that will best meet their requirements regarding performance, autonomy, serviceability, and, of course, flavor delivery and bulk. Gone are the days when there were two kinds of Subtanks, Kennedys and the simplest box mods on the shelves of vape shops. That’s why almost all manufacturers who want to stay on the crest of the wave try to release new and interesting devices on a regular basis. ThunderHeadCreations, better known as THC, recently introduced to vapers a whole series of Tauren atomizers and mechmods, which have already won the hearts of vapers. The continuation of this series can be considered a new drip THC Tauren Solo RDA, which implemented the original blowing system and the ability to install only one coil, so you can get a great taste.

General Info
THC Tauren Solo RDA is a one-spiral atomizer which has a three-dimensional blowing system that allows for excellent flavor delivery and bulk, while the dripper is easy to maintain and operate. This atomizer is a modified THC Tauren dripper, which became quite popular among many vaping enthusiasts right after its introduction. The decision to use one coil and interestingly realized blowing combined with side air intake allows to get a very good flavor transfer, providing the vaper with big clouds of aromatic vapor as well. To date the company presented only six variants of design drip completely black, two variants of black with copper and brass engraving, gold, brass and copper solutions are quite interesting and bold, but on many mods will look great.

If we talk about how THC bundles its devices, it is clear that it cares about vapers, offering them everything they need for normal maintenance of the atomizer. In a branded pouch made of material that resembles velvet can be found:

A Tauren Solo RDA drip atomizer, housed in a small metal tube whose screw-on lid can be used as a drip stand (very original and convenient);
Quite a massive hex;
Squonk pin;
Spare screws;
Replacement fingerings;
User’s manual;
Warranty card.

Appearance and Design
Those vapers who are already familiar with THC products, looking at the Tauren Solo RDA, will immediately see the characteristic corporate lines. Such a decision of designers is quite justified, as this drip is a continuation of Tauren series, which is already recognized. The style of the drip is quite interesting: the dome and the top cap are one piece, and there are deep enough notches on it that make it easy to turn the dome to regulate blowing. On the side surface there is a distinctive engraving in the form of a stylized bull’s head and the name of the drip, and in black the engraving is filled with contrasting paint.

The diameter of THC Tauren Solo RDA is 24 mm, so you won’t have any difficulties choosing a device for it, as it will look logically on any device. The drip-tip is a traditional non-ringing 810, made of Ultem, which you can replace with any of your collection if you want.

Base, blowing and usage features
Given that the THC Tauren Solo RDA is designed for a single coil, the base is designed quite originally. Once the dome is removed, the vaper will be greeted by two massive stands, and each of them has two holes for fixing the legs of the coil. This technical solution allows you to install spirals coiled to either side, which can not fail to please. The holes are very large, so it is not difficult to install the fat coils. Fixing the legs is made with Allen screws, screwed at an angle.

Laying the absorbent cotton is not less simple than the installation of the coil, but it should be noted at once that due to the use of large posts the tub though deep, but not very roomy. But if you want you can install a squonk pin and get serious autonomy.

Blowing THC Tauren Solo RDA is implemented somewhat non-standard way air intake is made through the side holes in the dome, then through the racks is directed by a number of holes on the coil. The coil is blown at the bottom and on both sides, so the flavor transfer will be at the highest level. You can adjust the airflow by turning the whole dome.

Conclusion and impressions
THC Tauren Solo RDA is a worthy successor to the Tauren series, which will please many vapers with its technical characteristics and ease of use. Using one coil and blowing from three sides allows you to get great taste and bulk, and the ability to install complex coils will definitely please all vapers who like to experiment.

Advantages and disadvantages

Small tub;
The difficulty of adjusting the airflow.

Classic design;
The original equipment;
Easy installation of the coil and wool packing;
Three-dimensional blowing;
Excellent flavor transfer and bulk.

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